Do you get a little (or a lot) nervous when it's time to make a decision?
Here's the issue with avoiding decisions or having other people make them for us...
It can lead to -
decreased confidence in ourselves
resentment of others
Here are 3 steps for gaining confidence in this area:
#1 Take a Quick Inventory
Do you avoid decisions that involve:
Possible confrontation
"Rocking the boat"
Your business
What other areas do you doubt yourself in?
Once you identify them, start to work through them yourself or with a coach.
Here are some ideas to get you started...
What are your underlying beliefs about the issues you're avoiding?
Beliefs that you are "bad" with money or don't deserve it?
Beliefs that your needs or opinions aren't valuable?
Beliefs that you're "just a mom" and can't succeed in your small business?
#2 Recognize if You're Using Unproductive Behaviors to Put Off Making the Decision
Do you spend excessive amounts of time over-researching?
Are you waiting for a 100% guarantee? (Is this realistic?)
Do you miss deadlines so that the decision is "made" for you?
Identifying the behaviors in yourself is a gorgeous first step in eliminating them.
Please know that it IS possible to change these behaviors and the beliefs that cause them!
I use mindset shifts and behavior change techniques to help clients on a daily basis.
#3 Practice Making Smaller Decisions and Having a Preference
Decision-making is like a muscle that you can exercise and make stronger.
If it’s been awhile since you’ve made any significant decisions, you can start small and build your way up.
Often we tell ourselves and others, "I don't care. You decide."
What if you DID care and you DID decide? TRY IT!
Make the decision the next time you have a choice.
Pick a restaurant
Select a movie or show for your and your spouse to watch
Choose what you're going to do as a family this weekend
Decide on your next action step in your business
Now more than ever, life is full of choices, which means it's full of opportunities to make decisions.
You are smart.
You are capable.
You can do this.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Ti 1:7
As you are thinking through these 3 steps and you're realizing there may be some deeper beliefs or entrenched behaviors you'd like to change, give me a shout and we can talk about whether life coaching could be a great fit for you.
All my best,
Overwhelm Specialist, Life Coach, Health Coach, and Online Personal Trainer
PS If you'd like to see the Ignite Your Life Show episode on this topic of decision making, you can catch the replay here.