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Why "Stuff" Leaves You Flat

Writer's picture: Kate Wood Kate Wood

If your inbox looks anything like mine, it's super clear that the world is trying to sell you on A LOT!

A quick look at my inbox shows me that:

  • If my teeth were whiter, I'd be SO much happier.

  • If I lost 10 pounds, my life would be PERFECT.

  • If I just buy THOSE clothes, I will have a REALLY great holiday.

  • If I follow so-and-so's plan, I will be WILDLY successful.

And yeah, my knee jerk response is:

"YAASSSSSSS! I want joy, health, awesome family times, and positive impact!"

(And PS, I don't apologize for wanting all that and more because it's part of my Ultimate Wishlist.)

Q: What's an Ultimate Wishlist?

A: The STATES OF BEING that we attach to the attainment of happiness, health, family fun, success and whatever else you hope to achieve.

It's how we ultimately want to FEEL, LOOK, and BEHAVE on a regular basis.

What's on your Ultimate Wishlist?

So here's the REAL deal (no not 50% off or a free potholder with $50 purchase)...

When we unbox the teeth whitener, the clothes, and/or the plan and we're excited about it for a few hours


but then we're left feeling


And then we're left with the "thing" we need to remember to use, take care of, and store, and we're





And the reason for that is because we went for the things that we THOUGHT would give us the feelings of happiness, health, success, positive impact etc instead of going for the actual joy, health, success, etc...

Bottom line:

We never feel "filled up" for long when we're not pursuing the Real Deal -

the actual Ultimate Wishlist items

the real steps toward the life God has uniquely created us for.

>> (Can I quick get a "raise the roof" here because this is SO exciting to think about?

God has given you talents and dreams to pursue as part of His perfect plan!!) <<

And right now you're probably saying, "Woah there, Kate Wood.

That's awfully deep for a post-Thanksgiving message.

I've barely digested my turkey!

I've got lots of other "urgent" things on my mind and to-do list.

Save that "(pumpkin) pie in the sky" stuff for a date WAY in the future."

And yes, I get it. It can be an overwhelming time of year for sure (although it doesn't have to be).

But as people ask you what you want for Christmas, I dare you to also give thought to your Ultimate Wishlist.

What are the Real Deal things that you want from life?

What would really fill you up?

Pursue those things, friend.

If you're ready to pursue the Real Deal, shoot me a message, and we can talk strategy on how to get you there without adding tons to your to-do list or needing to "put your nose to the grindstone" yet again.

All my best,


Christian Life Coach, Behavior Change Specialist, Health Coach, Personal Trainer


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